Many of my shawl patterns are end-to-end shawls, meaning that they start at one tip with a few stitches and end at the other tip with a few stitches. They increase to the middle and decrease back down to the opposite tip. They are a …
Introducing… Salt Water And Sea Stars!
The beautiful Salt Water and Sea Stars shawl pattern is available now! I designed this gorgeous end-to-end shawl pattern in the pretty Sage colourway of Akara Yarns Merino Sock. It was this beachy colourway that inspired me to use this pretty lace and cable pattern …
Working The 2/2/2 Left Purl Cross (2/2/2 LPC)
The 2/2/2 Left Purl Cross (LPC) is a 6-stitch knitted cable. We commonly see 6-stitch cables where 3 stitches cross over 3 stitches, or 2 cross over 4 or vice versa. But the 2/2/2 LPC is a little different. This cable stitch has two cross-overs …
Dazzling Daffodils and Cancer
What does the Dazzling Daffodils Shawl have to do with cancer you ask? Well, it’s an interesting story. I designed the Dazzling Daffodils Shawl a year before it was published. The pattern was complete and ready to go but for various reasons it ended up …
Let’s Talk About Crescent Shawls
I’ve designed four different crescent shawls over the years and it’s a shape I really enjoy knitting. It’s a shape that we usually knit from either the bottom to the top or from the top down. Bottom-Up Crescent Shawls Two of my crescent-shaped shawl patterns …
Hats, Hats, and More Hats (Part 2)
I’ve been having a lot of fun this winter revisiting and re-knitting my hat patterns. As you saw in my earlier post, Hats, Hats, and More Hats (Part 1) I knit new versions of the Bestie Beanie and the Bestie Slouchy, as well as a …
It’s a Honeycomb & Diamond Update!
I recently reknit two of my older cowl patterns – the Honeycomb Eyelet Cowl and the Diamond Purl Cowl. My goal was to show the patterns in another yarn and to get some new and updated photos for my pattern listings. But I also ended up improving and …